NASB, Reference Bible, Giant Print, Personal Size, Imitation Leather, Black, Indexed


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A Complete Combination of Readability and References

The NASB Giant Print Reference Bible includes a center-column reference system that unlock the depth of Scripture. Maps and book introductions offer added insight while you read and the exclusive NASB concordance makes locating passages easy. This complete reference Bible uses today's most literal word-for-word translation of the Bible text, the New American Standard Bible (1995) and the personal size edition is great for carrying to work, school or travel.


Complete text of the updated New American Standard Bible (NASB), today's most literal word-for-word translation
Center-column references
Introductions for every book of the Bible
8-page, full-color map section that accurately locates hundreds of important places in the Bible
Exclusive NASB Concordance
Paragraph format
Presentation page
Gilded page edges
Ribbon marker
Thumb indexed to make finding the books of the Bible easier
Imitation leather cover lays flat when open
10-point type size