Sweeping through Christianity in recent years has been the pervasive charismatic movement. With it has come an emphasis on the work of the Holy Spirit, and particularly on the baptism of the Spirit and the gifts of the Spirit. In this comprehensive study, Dr. Unger examines these two closely related subjects in the light of biblical truth. He exposes many of the errors and misconceptions of the modern charismatic movement as he opens whole new areas of thought on these important subjects for all believers.
Beginning with a short history of the rise of the charismatic movement, Unger proceeds to examine the biblical evidence regarding this important theme. He points out the movement’s misconceptions about the baptism of the Spirit and the doctrinal errors these misconceptions can cause. While discussing the evidence in the gospels and Acts, Unger always keeps in view the dispensational divisions that are crucial in understanding these texts.
After discussing the evidence found in the epistles, he turns to the relationship between the baptism of the Spirit and the gifts of the Spirit and power in the Christian life. Even experienced Christians will find in this volume a whole new understanding of the scope and importance of this vital doctrine. Although misunderstood and misrepresented by the charismatic movement, it is still of great importance to believers.